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April 27, 2024

Biological Sciences Equips her Final Year Students with Molecular Biology Skills

Biological Sciences Equips her Final Year Students with Molecular Biology Skills
Biological Sciences Equips her Final Year Students with Molecular Biology Skills

The Center for Entrepreneurial Development and General Studies (CEDGS) of Mountain Top University, as one of the cardinal activities of the center, organized an employability training seminar for the final year students of the University. The five-day event (21st - 25th June 2021) was organized in partnership with Poise Nigeria Limited, a business consultancy firm offering dynamic soft skills training that gives the edge in the corporate world and in social life. In her welcome address, the Acting Director, Center for Entrepreneurial Development and General Studies (CEDGS), Dr. Mrs. Patience Erigbe, highlighted the numerous ad- vantages of the event and also encouraged the students to make the best use of this opportunity. A total number of 198 students were present including some members of staff.


The lord is good at all times


The Vice-Chancellor, Mountain Top University, ably represented by the Acting Director, Academic Planning, Dr. Mojeed Ologundudu, in his opening remark, commended the Center for Entrepreneurial Development and General Studies for the noble idea and pleaded with the students to open their minds and learn, as the training would help them grow in their career and entrepreneurial endeavors when they graduate. The POISE Team was led by Mrs. Nonye Cally - Bechi, Chief Operating Officer, Poise Nigeria Limited.


Other facilitators in the team are: Mr Innih Ikhide, Head, Poise Graduate Finishing Academy; Mr. Mir- i a n C h i l a k a , B u s i n e s s D e v e l o p m e n t M a n a g e r; M r Oluwajuwonlo Esho, Project Officer and Mr. Shedrach Maisamari, Programme Coordinator, Poise Nigeria limited. The modules that were dis- selected during the five-day seminar are:

  •  Self - Awareness and self-worth
  •  Understanding your employability
  •  Goal setting • Impression management and grooming
  •  Business models canvas • Workplace ethics
  •  Problem-solving
  •  Presentation skills
  •  Adaptability and building resilience
  •  Time management
  •  Social intelligence
  •  Business writing skills

The students were taught how to be proactive by setting goals concerning key areas of their lives such as career, family, spirituality, education, and finances. The SMART acronym (Specific, Measureable , A c h i e v a b l e , R e a l i s t i c a n d T i m e l y ) w a s a l s o introduced to them to guide their goal-setting activities. Presentation skills (online and offline) were another interesting topic of the day. The importance of presentation skills, types of presentation skills, fears about speaking in public, and possible presentation openings were all addressed. Another interesting topic for discussion in the after-noon segment was the Business model canvas.

The business model canvas essentially incorporates the following items, key partners, key activities, value proposition, customer relationship, customer segment, key resources, distribution channels, cost structure and revenue stream. For any business to thrive at any level, the business promoter/ owner must understand all these key components.

Professional Attitude and behavior were treated on day 3, two case studies were cited for a better understanding of how individuals should act and behave in the workplace and in different professional settings. Building Resilience was another skill needed in the workplace and in entrepreneurship and this was well handled by the facilitators.

Types of resilience and 4 - factor approach in resilience-building were also discussed. As regards Social intelligence as a topic, it was emphasized that understanding yourself as a person would help you to connect with people better.


"The following four types of selves were examined: Rational self, Experimental self, Safekeeping self and Feel- ing self. On day 5, topics like Time management, Interview Skills, CV & Cover Letter writing, Business writing skills, and Selling skills were all treated. Following the unwavering interests of the participants and the dynamic teaching and presentation skills of the facilitators, I believe the POISE program for this year was a huge success. Sampling the students ’ opinions, it was discovered that many of them enjoyed it and learned quite a lot from the various modules taught."