Health Centre

The University Health Centre was established to take care of minor ailments affecting the staff and students of the University. The Centre has a good working relationship with the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital. Serious cases beyond the scope of the Centre are referred to the Teaching Hospital for expert management. The Centre which was started on a residential building at onset and offer services at the level of Primary/Secondary health care delivery.


The conveniences in the University Health Services are adequate, functional and client friendly.

Personnel: Medical Staff depends on people both as patients and providers. Students receive basic health care from experienced and caring staff, the medical staff includes.


The pharmacy is now well stocked since the medical staff introduced and operated a “no out of stock policy”. The Pharmacy adheres strictly to the NHIS Essential Drug List.

The medical Staff is into a public- private partnership with a firm that provides radiological services. The projection is for the university to own an x-ray machine.

There are a well-equipped bus-ambulances used for evacuation/ referral of clients/patients to medical staff (tertiary hospital), medical outreaches, home and office follow-up visits.


In the last few years, the university has grown more in population and desires. The range and depth of information available on the internet has turned members- students inclusive to knowledgeable and discerning consumers. The medical staff remains committed to responding to the health needs of members/students. The conventional wisdom is that the demand for services comes from within not from without. In addition to a compulsory medical screening of students, the medical staff now offers the following services:

General outpatient clinic (8: 30 am to 5:00pm] Monday to Friday excluding public holidays) by appointment or walk-in.

Emergency / Urgent care: 24- hour service.

Medical Social Works Services: For counselling, student support, situational crisis management, referrals, home visits, issues of sex and sexualities.

Data Management/Health Records Services:- Quarterly health reports are forwarded to management reflecting hospital attendance /Utilization Records in the OPD, various Health posts including the Sports Clinic admission/discharge records. Disease pattern and suggestions / interventions are also included in the report.

Pharmaceutical Services for drug prescriptions and counselling.

Environmental Health Services; the unit handles pests/rodents control by fumigating the various halls of residence just before the commencement of each session. The projection is to fumigate the various halls at least twice a year .The unit manages the various septic tanks (evacuation of septic tanks] the management of refuse is currently out-sourced while the unit provides an over-sight function.

Physical Therapy: - both at primary and secondary levels of care to students including Sport injuries.

Ambulance services: 24hours

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